Wellness Training

Innovating Wellness for Groups

We design online and face-to-face wellness workshops for organizations working with young adults as members, employees or beneficiaries

Our approach is based on creating self-awareness for intentional living.

We believe by creating clarity about one’s values, strengths, and resources, the individual can make informed choices about what kind of human being they want to become which relationships to investing and what goals they wish to prioritize. This clarity guides them in creating personal coping plans suited for the season of life they are in.

We carefully co-develop the workshops by conducting needs and resource assessments with the groups we are working with to ensure they align with their learning goals.

We offer 1-hour, 3 hours, half-day and full-day workshops.


Wellness in Academia

The education journey in higher learning institution has been a source of distress for students. The stressors can be academic, financial, health issues, family issues and even work. this leads to drop out, deferring anxiety depression and unhelpful ways coping such as substance abuse.

We support undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate students with tools to develop personal coping plans that help them navigate their learning journey and take care of their wellbeing.

Our approach is based on clarifying values, strengths and helping them invest in relationships that they can depend on as support systems.


Workplace Wellness

Young adults possess 21st century skills that are crucial for businesses to survive. Their energy and ease of interaction with technology is a great asset to organizations in terms of innovation. It can be difficult to tap into these benefits if employers are not aware of the challenges they face as a result of their developmental stage of life. Navigating freedom, financial independence, having a career, school and family obligations can be overwhelming. This could lead to unhelpful coping and affect their performance, motivation physical and mental health.

We develop wellness training programs for young adults in the workplace. We equip them with critical life skills necessary for thriving in both their personal and professional lives. By having clarity about their values. strengths and resources they are make informed choices about career goals and how to best optimize their skills, talent, and personality in the workplace.

We offer in-house online and face-to-face trainings on LifeSkills crucial to succeeding in the life space


Wellness for Young Adults

At this stage of development belonging is a critical need for young adults. To meet this need they find spaces where they can plug in. These are churches, clubs, activity-based groups such as hiking, cycling, camping and online communities.

When young adults do not have the life skills to navigate relationships, they can find themselves after a conflict leaving these groups and ending up isolated.

We support these groups with wellness trainings on coping skills and management of group dynamics. We also help these groups know how to support young adults at different stages of their lives, student life, job hunting, working, marriage, young families and also to cope with adversities such as loss and grief.

Invest in wellness...

build resilient communities of young adults