
Adolescence and Peers

Adolescence is a pivotal stage in life when peer relationships play a significant role in shaping identity, values, and social skills. Teens crave acceptance and belonging, and peers provide a space for self-expression and experimentation. However, the influence of peers can be both positive and negative.

Encourage Open Communication

Encourage open communication between teens and trusted adults to navigate peer pressure and build resilience.

Promote Group Activities

Promote involvement in group activities such as sports or clubs that foster healthy connections.

Teach Critical Thinking Skills

Teach critical thinking skills to help teens evaluate peer influences and make informed choices

Model Empathy and Inclusivity

Model empathy and inclusivity by being attentive to teens’ friendships and discussing the importance of mutual respect in relationships.

Challenge teens to reflect on their experiences and relationships, posing questions about the values they uphold in friendships. By guiding adolescents in fostering healthy, meaningful connections, we can help them grow into confident, compassionate individuals who value positive peer interactions. 

How do you engage with your teen’s peer relationships? Let’s hear your thoughts!