
Founders Wellness

Four week individual 2-hour weekly coaching sessions that seek to create clarity for the founder on how to embody wellness-led authentic leadership.

inspired youths


Clarifying the inspiration

In this stage you take time to reflect on your values, strengths and support system. You tap into your inner wisdom to reconnect and reignite the fire of your vision.


Taking stock of where you are

Here you analyze the journey to where you are now. You get to notice the lessons learnt, the perspectives that have been challenged, the toll the journey has taken on your wellbeing.


Healing of wounded parts

Business can be brutal. Here you get to process the hurtful experiences you have held on to. You identify patterns, unhelpful ways of coping that are impacting on your personal and professional life.


New direction, new plans

Clarity from the three stages shapes a new trajectory, a new narrative for intentional living. You design the environment that embraces who you are becoming and honors your future self.

What founders say

about us...

“Initially I relied greatly on collaborations, but people let me down, now I am bold enough to lead and I choose collaborations very carefully. I have been able to put together a great team, set goals and a strategy for the startup and working on a sustainable model for the organization”.

“I found clarity in my leadership skills and learnt that leadership needs the power of a team to sustain the vision. and the importance of having a right vision and mission to guide the businesses. I’ve managed to put my businesses in perspective, and it transformed me to becoming a better family man.”

“I learnt the importance of branding myself and not just my business and as a result became more conscious about how I present myself as a founder. I got a clearer picture of what values I want my startup to be associated with and how I need to incorporate them in our day-to-day activities”